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My Pet Painting 

expresses love for furry family members and highlights the program's creation by Autism Pittsburgh, Rich, Lisa, and their dau

Here at Autism Pittsburgh, we love our furry family members! There's no better way to honor our pets than having a piece of artwork created to last forever. My Pet Painting is a new program created by Autism Pittsburgh, Rich, Lisa, and their daughter, Tori. 


Tori was the artist that started it all. Painting was a way for her to do something she enjoyed, and connected her to herself in profound and creative ways. Art connects us and connects to us in unique ways, and Tori found joy in creating works of art that honored her pets, as well as others with pets who have reached out to share in the joy. 


We wanted to help create this program for artists just like Tori, who enjoy taking a calming and connecting moment to create a piece of true magic that will be cherished forever. 


Our goal is to connect artists with people who would like to have a piece created to honor their pets. We will work with each artist to make sure that they are not overwhelmed with their workload, and are just enjoying the process of creating. The funds that go toward the painting is connected directly to the artist, and we can help facilitate shipping and communication every step of the way. We are currently looking for artists to get our program up and running, and we would love for you to become a part of it! 

expresses love for furry family members and highlights the program's creation by Autism Pittsburgh, Rich, Lisa, and their dau
expresses love for furry family members and highlights the program's creation by Autism Pittsburgh, Rich, Lisa, and their dau
expresses love for furry family members and highlights the program's creation by Autism Pittsburgh, Rich, Lisa, and their dau
expresses love for furry family members and highlights the program's creation by Autism Pittsburgh, Rich, Lisa, and their dau
expresses love for furry family members and highlights the program's creation by Autism Pittsburgh, Rich, Lisa, and their dau

Sign Up to Become One of Our Pet Artists!

We are looking for artists across all mediums who would love to spread joy and creativity to pet lovers all over. We work with all of our artists to find an order workload that is suitable for them. We provide a connection to resources, who appreciate and enjoy their one-of-a-kind pieces of magic! We want to make sure that our artists are enjoying their work, as it can be a very calming and connecting time for them. If you enjoy creating artwork, love pets, and want to help us in our mission to spread more pet art and joy, apply below!

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expresses love for furry family members and highlights the program's creation by Autism Pittsburgh, Rich, Lisa, and their dau
expresses love for furry family members and highlights the program's creation by Autism Pittsburgh, Rich, Lisa, and their dau

Submit a Pet to be Painted!

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Thank you for submitting! You'll hear from us soon :) 

expresses love for furry family members and highlights the program's creation by Autism Pittsburgh, Rich, Lisa, and their dau
expresses love for furry family members and highlights the program's creation by Autism Pittsburgh, Rich, Lisa, and their dau
expresses love for furry family members and highlights the program's creation by Autism Pittsburgh, Rich, Lisa, and their dau
expresses love for furry family members and highlights the program's creation by Autism Pittsburgh, Rich, Lisa, and their dau
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